Lexdray for Ladies
While our products are viewed as skewed more towards gentleman, we're thrilled to see more and more women starting to wear our trendy travel bags. Special thanks to all the female Lexdray supporters out there! Check out our favorite ladies weekend bags below.
Influencers featuring Lexdray
Working with Influencers around the world has been a key part of growing our business over the last year. We are extremely thankful for these new relationships and look forward to cultivating them in years to come. Here's a small selection of some of our favorite recent images.
As our PHOTO City Series continues to build steam, more and more photographers have been reaching out to get involved. As of today, we are launching a SUMMER CONTEST where we’ll be giving away our new San Francisco Camera Pack, Monterey Camera Insert and Sonoma Shoulder Strap to one lucky winner (Value: $490). On Thursday, August 31st, we will choose a winner based on our favorite photo from anyone who posts an image to their Instagram feed using hashtag #photocityseries.

PHOTO City Series

San Francisco Camera Pack // REVIEW
Photography blog Eye & Pen recently got ahold of our unique San Francisco Camera Pack. Take a look at their detailed review below.
SPY Features our Portland Sneaker Duffel
"SPY is your daily dossier into everyday luxuries, undiscovered gems and the people and products making news around the world." They recently tested out our Portland Sneaker Duffel. Take a read and see what they thought of their experience.
Lexdray on SDZDM.com (China)
China is quickly becoming one of our fastest growing markets. We're starting to see our products popping up on more and more blogs. We're excited about this new growth opportunity. Popular Chinese blog, sdzdm.com featured this recent detailed post, zeroing in our Tokyo Pack. See the complete review HERE.
Gear Patrol: Week in Gear (March 13-17)
Special thanks to GP for including our new SF Camera Pack in their Week in Gear Feature.
The Lexdray SF Camera Pack Transitions for Different Needs
Trend saavy site Trendhunter recently featured this review on our San Francisco Camera Pack. As they note, the pack can accommodate all different kinds of camera gear. Thanks Trendhunter.
Gear Patrol: Today in Gear
GP always shows us love, and we are always extremely thankful. Our SF Camera Pack is getting some amazing reviews. As GP notes, it's "ridiculously customizable."